Circulars Data
Circulars Data
S.No | Title | Category | Date | Documents |
1 | Provisional Seniority list of Deputy Secretary / Chief Administrative Officer in ICAR as on 31.12.2024-reg. | Establishment I | 12-02-2025 | |
2 | Promotion order to the post of Section Officers, ICAR-reg. | Establishment I | 03-02-2025 | |
3 | Institute wise release under Salary & Pension | Budget vis-s-vis Progressive releases | 30-01-2025 | |
4 | Provisional Combined Seniority list of Administrative Officers in ICAR as on 31.12.2024-reg | Establishment I | 27-01-2025 | |
5 | Relieving order in r/o Ms. Neha, SF&AO at ICAR-reg. | Establishment I | 27-01-2025 | |
6 | Designating CPIO and FAA at ICAR Hq under RTI Act (20.01.2025 | RTI | 23-01-2025 | |
7 | RE 24-25 in respect of Animal Science Division will follow on receipt of the same from concerned SMD. | Budget vis-s-vis Progressive releases | 23-01-2025 | |
8 | Relaxation under Rule 161(iv) of General Financial Rules 2017 for issuance of Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) for procurement of Drugs-reg. | Financial Circulars | 23-01-2025 | |
9 | General Elections to the legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi, 2025 and Bye-elections to two Assembly Constituencies' each of Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, 2025 - Paid holiday-reg. | Coordination | 22-01-2025 | |
10 | Early Closure of Offices in connection with Republic Day Parade, At Home Function & Beating the Retreat Ceremony 2025 -reg. | Coordination | 22-01-2025 |
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