10th December, 2014, Alipurduar
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna is implementing Agroforestry, Agri-horti, water management and livestock-based interventions at Uttar Simlabari, a tribal dominated village in Jalpaiguri District of West Bengal under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for improvement of livelihoods of the tribal community.
A farmers’ scientist interaction meeting was organized on December 10, 2014 at Uttar Simlabari Village.
Dr B.P. Bhatt, Director ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna emphasized upon development of seed-village by the women and youth in the adopted village, especially for vegetable seeds, planting materials and mushroom spawn production. Dr Bhatt also stressed upon use of efficient irrigation methods, like drip irrigation and community based water harvesting structures.. A field visit was also organized in the village to visit improved vegetable cultivation, forestry, mushroom production, backyard poultry and goat rearing.
Around 375 tribal community of the village are getting benefit through improved agri-horti, supply of quality seed materials, animal husbandry, water management and capacity building.
Around 150 farmers and farm women participated in the programme. 75 ha area has been brought under vegetable (potato, brinjal, tomato, bottle gourd, chilli, cabbage and radish) cultivation under the programme. The village has started producing 500 kg of oyster mushroom on monthly basis. About 10 ha of fallow land has been rehabilitated with agroforestry interventions.
(Source : ICAR RC for Eastern Region, Patna)
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