The ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore celebrated its 110th Foundation Day today.
In his Foundation Day Lecture, the Chief Guest, Dr. N. Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu stated that the “Co” varieties from the ICAR-SBI still dominate the varietal scene in the several African countries. He urged the Institute’s Scientists for documenting the impact of the ICAR-SBI technologies. The need for encouraging the product diversification, mechanization and micro-irrigation to meet the challenges was stressed by Dr. Kumar.
Earlier, in her address, Dr. G. Hemaprabha, Director, ICAR-SBI, Coimbatore underlined the contributions of Dr C.A. Barber and Sir T.S. Venkatraman for laying the foundation of the 110 Years old Institute.
The senior officials of the ICAR Institutes also deliberated during the occasion.
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