Bhubaneswar , 26th November 2012
Use the power of information communication technologies (ICT) for accelerating the pace of aquaculture development' stressed Dr. P. Jayasankar, Director of CIFA. He was speaking at a training programme "ICT mediated aquaculture extension" being organized by CIFA with support of National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad. Information and communication technology (ICT) has penetrated to every walk of life. We all depend on ICT for our day-to-day activities in one form or the other. In the initial years use of ICT was limited to academic and research institutes. However, with the passage of time its reach has touched every strata of the society as it has become the most popular and cost effective way of sharing knowledge and information. In the field of Aquaculture extension too, information technologies in various forms are being used. These initiatives have improved the extension services both in terms of cost efficiency and timely provision of information to the clientele said Dr B Bhaskar Reddy, IIIT, Hyderabad while inaugurating the programme. As many as 14 line department officials belonging to 6 states (Andhra Pradesh, Mizoram, Jammu & Kashmir, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar) are participating in this programme. Middle and Junior level officers of the fisheries department who act as a bridge between research in one hand and farmer on the other are expected to benefit from this refresher course, said Dr G S Saha, Head, Social Science Section, CIFA.
The training programme is aimed at providing an exposure to these officials of fisheries department about the ICT initiatives in Aquaculture Extension. It would cover fundamentals of ICT; Fisheries extension in digital era; e Aqua Sagu; Aqua chaupal; Kisan mobile advisory services; revamped Kishan Call Centre; Aquaculture Field School as a new tool for extension; Multimedia; e-resources for extension etc. The training will be imparted through a suitable combination of lectures, hands on session, practicals, group exercise and field visits. The Institute has roped in experts from renowned institutions e.g. International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad; Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA), Chennai; Division of Agriculture Extension, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi; SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, Dhaka etc. There would be opportunities for the participants to interact with corporates/ Private Sectors engaged in providing extension service informed Dr. H. K. De, Course Director.
(Source: CIFA, Bhubaneswar)
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