Bhopal, 23 July 2010
An Interaction Meet on Agricultural Mechanization was inaugurated by Dr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal today.
Dr. Ayyappan at the outset discussed the scarcity of labour in Indian agriculture and the necessity of mechanization of farm operations. He emphasized the need of precision farming, small equipment for plantation crops, single transport mechanism for processing industry and urged the scientists to develop efficient energy management technologies through biomass based power generation system, good design of solar dryers and environment friendly technologies which are technically feasible and economically viable. In order to avoid the import of rice transplanter, he stressed the need for developing indigenous machine in collaboration with industry. He suggested that CIAE prototypes be supplied to KVKs for popularization of equipment among farmers of specific region.
Dr. M.M. Pandey, Deputy Director General (Engineering), ICAR, while briefing the objectives of the meet also stressed on the quality of the technology and techno-economic feasibility that attracts the market.
Earlier, Dr. Pitam Chandra, Director, CIAE welcomed the delegates from ICAR and Industry to the Meet and highlighted the need of skill development and enhancement in the net income of the rural household which could be achieved through farm mechanization.
The two-day Meet (July 23-24, 2010) will deliberate on various themes on agricultural mechanization, its present status and researchable issues. The Scientists from various ICAR Institutes and representatives from Agriculture Industries are participating in the Meet.
(Source: NAIP sub-project on Mobilizing Mass Media Support for Sharing Agro-Information, DIPA with inputs from CIAE, Bhopal)
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