Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India : The ICAR provides financial support for strengthening and development of higher agricultural education in the country through Student hostels, International student hostels, Examination halls, Educational museums, Up-gradation of academic environment, Students and faculty amenities, Sports and recreational facilities, Modernization of farms, Holistic Development of students in NARES system including North Eastern Hill Region (NEH).
Library strengthening (LS): The libraries of the Agricultural Universities and its constituent colleges are strengthened to enhance their learning resources including digitization, e-resources, text books, and quality instructional material. The e-library facilities have been created in selected universities which has greatly benefited the students and particularly improved the quality of postgraduate education and research.
Niche Area of Excellence (NAE): The Niche Area of Excellence programme is for achieving excellence in teaching, research, consultancy and other services. This programme has helped in reinforcement of linkages between teaching and research, faculty development in terms of research and training of faculties in cutting-edge technologies. A total of 62 NAE programmes have been supported so far.
Experiential learning (EL): Experiential Learning is aimed at inculcating knowledge and skills as per the requirement of private sector industry and to instil confidence and competence among undergraduate students to undertake self-employment ventures. This facilitates hands-on-training and skill development which is critical for providing entrepreneurship opportunities to the growing number of agriculture graduates.
Tribal Sub Plan (TSP): Project based financial support is given to the Agricultural Universities under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) to improve the livelihoods of tribals and economically weaker sections of the society. The programme focuses mainly upon capacity building, value addition and post harvest management of agri-horticultural crops, improved agricultural and animal husbandry practices, apiculture, goat breeding, etc. Training and demonstration camps are organised for creating awareness about recent technologies.
The division also supports research on Home Science including AICRP on Home Science which is instrument to develop a strong base of research and extension the SAUs for improving the lives of rural families.
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