Regarding Syllabus and Curricula of Agricultural Faculty and Universities
- Inviting application for the ES Scheme - reg.
- Release of vacant/unfilled seats after the Mop-up/Final round of ICAR’s AIEEA -2022 counselling - reg.
- Inviting application under ICAR-Emeritus Professor Scheme-reg.-reg.
- Announcement for Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships for the year 2022-23. - reg.
- List of selected candidates of Netaji Subhash-ICAR International Fellowship 2021-22-reg.
- Date Extension of Inviting applications nominations for the award of ICAR-National Professors - reg.
- Guidelines for Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) Scheme of the ICAR.
- Inviting application for the award of ICAR National Professor 2022.
- Announcement for inviting applications for Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowships 2021-22.
- Inviting application for the Emeritus Scientist Scheme'reg.
- Revised guidelines of ICAR-Emeritus Scientist-reg.
- Status of NAEAB Accredited Agricultural Universities/Colleges /Programmes as on 1 April 2021
- Quality Assurance in Higher Agricultural Education through Accreditation by National Agricultural Educational Accreditation Board
- Proceedings of the XXVII meeting of the ICAR National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board held on 24.02.2021 at New Delhi –reg
- inviting proposal for ICAR Summer Winter School and Short Courses 2021-21
- Clarification on Revised guidelines for hiring of Technical manpower (YP1 & YP2)
- Progress Reports of ICAR- National Professor (NP), National Fellow (NF)
- Progress Reports of ICAR-Emeritus Scientist (ES), Emeritus Professor (EP)
- Office Order of Dr K P Tripathi
- Corrigendum regarding inviting Application for Emeritus Professor.
- Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions (CEI) under ICAR- regarding.
- List of selected candidates for award of Netaji subhas ICAR International Fellowships 2019-20
- Inviting proposals for organizing Summer / Winter School and Short courses for the year 2020-21- Regarding
- Proceedings of the 13th Annual Review Meeting of Niche Area of Excellence (NAE) Programme
- Notification for Inviting Applications of ICAR National Fellows
- Notification for Inviting Applications of ICAR National Professors
- Proceedings of the XXIV Meeting of the National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board held on July 29, 2019 (10:00 AM) (Venue: Board Room, International Guest House, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa New Delh
- Announcement for Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowships -2019
- Revision of emoluments and guidelines for Junior Research Fellows (JRFs)/Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) and Research Associates (RAs) working in various schemes of ICAR/ pursuing Ph. D. program- Reg.
- Ranking Status of Agricultural Universities-2018
- List OF Approved Summer Winter and Short courses for the Year 2019-20
- Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Vice Chancellors of Agricultural Universities and ICAR Directors held during 30-31, January, 2019 at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa, New Delhi
- Organization training Programmes under CAFTs-Inviting Proposals for the year 2019-20
- order related to enhancement of Institutional Fellowship in ICAR's Deemed Universities.
- revised guidelines for ICAR NP/NF
- Corrigendum for inviting proposals for Summer/Winter and Short Courses for the year 2019-20
- Considering the administrative reasons, the date of submission of Extramural research Projects on Education Division is being extended up to 04th January 2019.
- Status of NAEAB Accredited Agriculture Universities-Colleges –reg
- Organization of Summer/Winter School and Short Courses - Inviting Proposals for the year 2019-20 –reg
Corrigendum for inviting proposals for Summer/Winter and Short Courses for the year 2019-20 - Agricultural Education Division of ICAR invites Research Project Proposals for funding under ICAR Extramural Research Project –reg
- Revised rates of Scholarship Fellowship Internship Allowances being provided to the student admitted in Agricultural Universities reg.
- Proceedings of the XII Annual Review Meeting of Niche Area of Excellence (NAE) Programme
- Proceedings of XXII Meeting of the National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board held on 28th September, 2018 NASC Complex, New Delhi-110012
- Second Round of Invitation of Concept Notes for support under the Component 1 of the National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP)
- Notification for Fresh AIEEA-PG-2018 in Kerala(Addendum)
- Notification for Fresh AIEEA-PG-2018 in Kerala
- Inviting application for the Emeritus Scientist Scheme-reg
- Ranking Status of SAUs/CAUs/ICAR-Deemed Universities for the year 2017
- Celebration of International Day of Yoga-reg
- Announcement for Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowships 2018-19
- Proceeding of the annual Conference of Vice Chancellors of Agricultural University and ICAR Director held during 7-8, March, 2018 at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa New Delhi
- Revised guidelines for Netaji Subhas ICAR International Fellowhsips
- Inviting application for the Emeritus Professor Scheme
Organization of Summer/Winter Schools and Short Courses-Inviting Proposals for the year 2018-2019
- Proceeding of the XI Annual Review Meeting of Niche Area of Excellence (NAE) Programme
- Guidelines for Accreditation of Higher Agricultural Educational Institutions in India
- Corrigendum for the Notification of Emeritus Scientists
- Inviting application for the Emeritus Scientists Scheme
- Proceedings of XX Meeting of National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board held on 27 July 2017 at New Delhi-110012
- Guidelines ICAR- Netaji Subhas International Fellowships
Application form ICAR- Netaji Subhas International Fellowships
Performa for ICAR-JRF (PGS)
Performa for ICAR-SRF (PGS)
Guidelines ICAR-Merit-cum-Means Scholarship
Performa for ICAR-MCM Scholarship
Performa for ICAR-Post-Matric Scholarship
Guidelines ICAR-Emeritus Scientist Scheme
Performa for ICAR-Emeritus Scientist
Guidelines ICAR-Emeritus Professor
Performa for ICAR-Emeritus Professor
Guidelines ICAR- National Fellow and ICAR-National Professional Chairs
Performa for ICAR- National Professor/ National Fellow
- Revised Guidelines for ICAR's Fellowships for Post-graduate Studies (PGS) in Agricultural Sciences.
Guidelines for ICAR National Fellowship/Professorial chair.
Rules Governing The ICAR Scheme Entitled Post Matric Scholarship For Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes Candidates. .
- Ranking status of Agricultural Universities for the year 2016-17
- Agricultural Education Division of ICAR Invites Research Project Proposals for Funding under ICAR Extramural Research Project –reg
List of Short Courses [10 Days] Approved for the year 2017-18 in ICAR-AU System
List of Summer/Winter School [21 Days] Approved for the year 2017-18 in ICAR-AU System
Netaji Subhas-ICAR International Fellowships for the Yeat 2017-18
Proceedings of XIX meeting of Accreditation Board held on 20 March 2017
Ekikrit Krishi Shiksha Taknik Ayam (EKTA)
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Vice Chancellors of Agricultural Universities and ICAR directors held during 14-15, February, 2017, at NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa, New Delhi
- NET Essentiality for Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Professor and Equivalent
Regarding Fifth Deans Committee Report
- Requirement of Aadhaar for the Applicants of AIEEA-UG, PG and AICE-JRF/SRF(PGS)-2017
- Proceedings of the XVIII Meeting of the National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board of ICAR held on 23 January, 2017 at Board Room, NASC Complex, New Delhi
Revised Rates /financial norms for the conduct of ICAR's Summer /Winter Schools and Short Courses
Organization of Summer/Winter Schools and Short Courses-Inviting Proposals for the year 2017-2018
कृषि शिक्षा दिवस
Organization of Summer/Winter Schools and Short Courses-Inviting Proposals for the year 2016-2018
- Minimum Requirements for Establishment of New College in Agriculture and Allied Disciplines
Declaration of UG degrees in agriculture and Allied subject as Professional Degree.
Revised Guidelines for Centralized Admission to Doctoral Degree Programmes in the Universities under ICAR-AU System
- Guidelines for Establishment of Central Agricultural University English
- Revision in the guidelines for Sr. Research Fellowship and Research Associates working in the lCAR schemes
- Revised rates of emoluments for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Research Associates (RA) working in the ICAR funded schemes - clarification
- Revised rate of emoluments for SRF and RA working in the ICAR funded schemes-reg
Revision rates of ICAR Fellowships-reg
Advance payment of fellowship to the AFRICAN and AFGHAN candidates admitted under India-Africa and India-Afghanistan Fellowship programmes
- Restructuring and strengthening of Accreditation Board
Guidelines for sanction/monitoring of works being executed through ICAR funds in various SAUs
Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding between ICAR Institutes and Universities/DUs for facilitating students' training/postgraduate research work
- Model Act for Agricultural Universities in India
Revised Guidelines for the students to conduct research for their degree programmes as trainees at ICAR Institutions
Final Report of the Committee to Review Essential Qualifications and Degree Nomenclature of various programmes running in Agricultural Universities
Equivalence of NET conducted by APCSC with UGC, CSIR and ICAR
Guidelines for Utilisation of Contingent grant payale to JRFs/SRFs working in various schemes of ICAR/SAOs
Vetting of plan & estimates for construction of civil works.
- Guidelines for Adjunct Faculty in the Indian Agricultural Universities
Format for Request of Release of ICAR-SRF (PGS)
- Revised Guidelines for Senior Research Fellows and Research Associates Working in the ICAR Schemes
UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009
- Accreditation of Higher Agriculture Education
- Revised Common Academic Regulations, Course Curricula and Syllabi for PG Education
Guidelines / Circulars / Notifications of Education Division
Guidelines / Circulars / Notifications of Education Division
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