Reg. No. SR/ARSSF-164/80
(Regd. Under Societies Reg. Act, XXI of 1860)
Aims and Objectives
- To develop a culture and outlook which could become the tradition of the Agricultural Scientific community
- To promote and advance agricultural research in the country.
- To facilitate scientists' participation in formulation and execution of agricultural research policy in the country.
- To protect the interests and look after the welfare of the Agricultural Research Service Scientists in order to bring about excellence and relevance in the purpose of their mission.
The membership of the Forum will be open to the scientists of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The ICAR scientists, who are interested in promoting professional excellence in research, education and development and believes in fostering socio-cultural fraternity among ICAR Scientists and whose admission would promote the interests of the Forum shall be eligible for Life Membership on payment of prescribed fees.
Every member of the Forum will be expected:
- To strive to develop the feeling of fraternity and mutual trust among the community of ICAR scientists.
- To uphold the principles of Forum in letter and spirit and to work for the welfare of ICAR Scientists and for the advancement of science in the overall interest of humanity.
ARSSF Bylaws
Life Membership Form: PDF Format MS Word Format
List of ARSSF Life Members as on 11th March2015
ARSSF CEC 2013-16
ARSSF Registration Certificate
Letter of Recognition by ICAR
Proceedings of Meetings
(Source: General Secretary ARSSF,
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